The Kinship of the Herd

Kim Hallin's online membership community

The Kinship of the Herd subscription membership program is a sacred gathering space for those who feel called to journey personally with Kim Hallin in an ever-deepening exploration of what it means to be fully, intentionally, and authentically present in our own lives, engaged with the natural world around us, and responsible in our roles as members of the community of life. Join Kim as she shares exclusive behind-the-scenes photos, stories and video footage of the Unbridled herd through a designated blog and hosts monthly live Zoom gatherings where members grapple collectively with what it means to become healthier, more balanced humans who know how to nurture healthier, more balanced relationships and communities (much like horses do!).

Subscribing members also gain immediate complimentary access to The Horse Wisdom Virtual Book Club Course, which includes a .pdf of each chapter in Kim's book, associated reflection exercises and a series of pre-recorded small-group discussions (one for each chapter) that are worth their weight in gold!  

Here's what a few of the members have to say about The Kinship of the Herd:

I've been in the 'Kim Orbit' for 4 or 5 years now. I have so much appreciation for Kim for putting this membership site together and bringing such an extraordinary group of people together. We all come from totally different places and we're all at different points in our work and our journeys, but the group is so willing to come together and share. Kim and the space are both so safe for exploration and growth. I feel really fortunate I'm able to be part of it! - Peggy from Honeywell Falls, NY

I was a rider all my life until I decided that it would be good for my health and aging body if I didn't fall off again! The Kinship of the Herd has been a wonderful way for me to stay connected and also admire horses from another angle. I wish I'd known it was possible to see horses this way sooner in my life! This group is a great way to learn about yourself as an individual and the role horses play in helping us sense and understand emotions. It's been a phenomenal experience for me to be part of everyone growing together! - Mary from Hartsville, SC

I'm especially appreciative that this is a space where you're welcome whether you're riding or not riding and that Kim embraces all viewpoints that have the horse's wellbeing at the center. I wasn't riding when I joined the Kinship, but I do ride again now. - Gerrianne from Monroe, WA


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