Tempo's Journey of Emotional Healing

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In the first episode (13-minutes long), Kim will introduce you to some of the challenges she faced in her early relationship with Tempo, including the aggressive behaviors that set them on a healing journey together.

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In the second episode (15-minutes long), Kim will tell the backstory of Tempo's early training and what their life together was like before Tempo's injury (coffin bone cyst).

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In the third episode (20-minutes long), Kim will explain what was happening with her, emotionally, during the eight long months of Tempo's stall rest and physical healing as well as what was happening with Tempo, emotionally and physically.

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In the fourth episode (30-minutes long), Kim will discuss nature vs. nurture and the beginning stages of her work using Constructional Approach Training for Horses (CAT-H) to develop a new language with Tempo.

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In the fifth episode (28-minutes long), Kim will share more about the strategies that were key in helping she and Tempo both start to heal from their individual and shared experiences of emotional trauma.

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In the sixth and final episode (26-minutes long), Kim will talk about the new relationship and ways of communicating that she and Tempo developed as well as some big overall takeaways from their journey together.
For more information visit www.kimhallin.com