
Hi, I'm Kim. 

I'm the owner/founder of Unbridled LLC and the author of Horse Wisdom: Life Lessons for Humanity.

The through-line of my life and work is that I look to nature (and horses!) for grounding, trustworthy information and reliable guidance. Horse wisdom has never let me down or steered me wrong, even in the face of seemingly complex situations and scenarios.

It was the horses who first clued me in to the deep truth that healthy boundaries form the foundation of healthy, functional interpersonal (and inter-species) relationships.

There's no going back once you have this understanding about what it means to be a contributing member of the healthiest herd on Earth: the community of life. 

As an equestrian and horse owner, I've worked hard to overcome my own insecurities and people-pleasing tendencies. I'd be lying if I said it was easy. I also didn't do it for myself. I did it so I could become the human my horses deserve: a trustworthy friend and a confident advocate for their wellbeing. In the domestic world, horse have no voice unless we choose to step in as their representatives. This requires being brave enough to set, maintain and uphold boundaries on their behalf (as well as our own), while also nurturing functional and respectful relationships with veterinarians, hoof trimmers, trainers, body-workers, boarding facility owners/managers and other essential service-providers.

My story and my "why"...

I grew up a suburban kid in St. Petersburg, FL. The only horses I had access to in my early childhood were the ones manufactured by Breyer. I learned to ride at Girl Scout summer camp and selected my college (St. Andrews in North Carolina) specifically because it had an equestrian program. During my senior year in college (1992) I broke my neck in a "freak" riding accident that opened my eyes to the true nature of horses as prey animals and the level of risk we take on as equestrians every time we mount up. That experience set my soul on a decades-long (and ultimately fruitless) search to find the elusive "magic method" of riding and/or training that is always enjoyable for both people and horses. And yet I couldn't imagine my life without horses in it. 

In order to support my addiction to horses I earned a masters degree in public administration and non-profit management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1998) and went on to build a 20-year career in higher education fundraising and administration. During that time I also got married, moved to South Carolina, purchased my farm and went through a divorce before ultimately taking a leap of faith in 2017 (at age 47) to launch Unbridled. The "why" behind this decision is best explained in a 6-part video series I created about my personal journey with a home-bred filly named Tempo (who's still part of my herd today!). My challenging and heart-breaking journey with Tempo ultimately gave me the courage to get "over" myself and start becoming the human my horses need me to be. Little did I know it would turn me into the human I need me to be too.  

The Unbridled Sanctuary

I'm constantly told that my farm is a special and unusual place, but it shouldn't be! The animals here have no job except to be their authentic selves. Retreat participants have no responsibility except to honor the animals and THEIR OWN authentic selves. The atmosphere is intimate, unassuming and peaceful. Those who become regulars say it feels like they're coming home every time they return.

This unassuming 3-acre property may technically be "mine" from an ownership perspective but every eight-legged, four-legged, two-legged, feathered, winged, slithering and root-bearing being who spends time here is part of my farm family. This land is their home every bit as much as it is mine and every single one of them participate in their own unique ways to the experiential learning that occurs here. 


The Unbridled Herd

These are the current members of my four-legged herd family:


is brilliantly unapologetic about her boundaries.


is a wise and generous herd elder.

Relicario (Reli)

is curious and playful; he'll find your boundaries.


is our mustang Master Teacher. 

Bartholomew (Bart)

is abundance personified.

Creative Collaborators

These are a few of the special "creative collaborators" I work with regularly on outreach projects, non-traditional programming and expansive experiences.

Kimberly Mills

Kimberly is the Executive Director of Sweet J's Clubhouse and the co-founder of the Urban Equine Connection Program at Unbridled. She is the author of a book entitled My Truth: Enduring Death on Many Levels

Nancy Munoz

Nancy is the co-founder of FreeHorse Arts, a Richmond-based non-profit that customizes inclusive and integrative arts education and nature-based equine experiential learning for people of diverse abilities.

Chelsea Green, LPC

Chelsea is the CEO & Owner of Anu Beginning Therapy, LLC. Her therapeutic approach weaves together trauma-informed mindfulness practices, attachment theory, and systems theory. 

Bonnie Compton, APRN, BC, CPNP

Bonnie is an End of Life Doula, Conscious Living and Dying Coach, TEDx Charleston Speaker and Certified RTM Trauma Practitioner. She is also a Child and Adolescent Therapist, Parent Coach, and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Bonnie is the author of the book, "Mothering with Courage" and a Reiki Practitioner. 

Interested in Collaborating with Kim?

Reach out via the Contact page with your ideas and suggestions for collaborating with Kim on a workshop, retreat or special experience. Be sure to explain how your proposal aligns with Kim's work in the world.